El angiomixoma agresivo es un tumor miofibroblástico poco frecuente de carácter benigno no encapsulado, de naturaleza invasiva y recurrente. Prevalece en mujeres en edad fértil. Usualmente se localiza en la pelvis y el periné. Hasta el momento se han reportado en la literatura 310 casos. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 51 años de edad, quien consulta por aumento de volumen en región glútea izquierda, acompañados de síntomas compresivos urinarios y dificultad para evacuar. Por estudios paraclínicos se evidencia tumor pélvico que se extiende hacia fosa isquiorrectal izquierda y alcanza el glúteo ipsilateral. Se decide resolución quirúrgica por abordaje abdominal y glúteo con evolución satisfactoria.
The aggressive angiomixoma is a benign, less frequent myofibroblastic tumor, not encapsulated his nature was very invasive and his recurrences are often present. It is more common in the women at the fertile age. It is usually located in the pelvis and the perinea. At this moment there have been reported only 310 cases of this type of tumor. We presented and study a clinical case of 51 year old female patient who consults with palpable mass in left gluteus, and urinary compressive symptoms with difficult to evacuate. We decided the surgical resection for abdominal and gluteus way was performed and the evolution of the patient was satisfactory.