La literatura ha reportado muy pocos casos de tumor filodes asociados a componente epitelial maligno, ductal in situ o lobulillar in situ. El carcinoma puede estar por dentro del tumor o alrededor del tejido neoplásico fibroepitelial.El componente epitelial de un tumor filodes, raramente puede transformarse en carcinoma. Los tipos de carcinoma publicados incluyen carcinoma in situ, y formas invasivas ductal, lobulillar, tubular y carcinoma escamoso. Es importante mencionar que este componente epitelial junto a los tumores filodes es usualmente menos agresivo que su forma única. CASO CLÍNICO 1: Tumor filodes asociado a carcinoma ductal in situ. CASO CLÍNICO 2: Tumor filodes asociado a carcinoma ductal infiltrante. La asociación del tumor filodes y carcinoma es muy rara. El 81 % de los casos están representados por carcinoma lobulillar in situ, usualmente con localización en el interior del tumor o en su adyacencia. En la literatura se han reportado un total de 33 casos. Otros subtipos de cáncer que han estado asociados al tumor filodes, son el carcinoma escamoso y el tubular. El pronóstico del carcinoma originado en un tumor filodes, es bueno por lo general. CONCLUSIÓN: El tumor filodes asociado a carcinoma ductal in situ o infiltrante es una entidad muy poco frecuente, por lo que la presentación, estudio y seguimiento de estos pacientes es imprescindible. Estos dos casos son los primeros reportados en nuestro país.
The literature has reported a few cases of the phyllodes tumor associated with malignant epithelial component, the ductal in situ or the lobulillar in situ. The carcinoma can be tucked around the tumor or the neoplastic tissue fibro epithelial. The epithelial component of phyllodes tumor, can rarely transform into carcinoma. The published rates include carcinoma in situ and invasive ductal forms, lobular, tubular and the squamous carcinoma. It is noteworthy that this epithelial component with the phyllodes tumors is usually less aggressive than its unique shape. CLINICAL CASE 1: The phyllodes tumor is associated with the ductal carcinoma in situ. CLINICAL CASE 2: The phyllodes tumor is associated with the invasive ductal carcinoma. The association of cancer and phyllodes tumor is very rare. The 81 % of the cases are represented by the lobulillar in situ carcinoma usually located inside the tumor or its adjacency. In the literature review we have reported a total of 33 cases. Other subtypes of cancer that have been associated with the phyllodes tumor are the squamous cell carcinoma and the tubular. The prognosis of carcinoma arising in phyllodes tumor, is usually good. CONCLUSION: The phyllodes tumor associated with the ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive is a rare entity, so the presentation, study and monitoring of these patients is essential. These two cases are the first reported in our country.